Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Enough thoughts in my head to level a city block...

I am very critical of the "me first" journalism that so many of us have become accustomed to reading, but I am sure that at one point or another you have heard me say Houdini's Last Act was started as a "conversation" and this seems like the best format to open up that dialogue.

The other night my friend (and our sometimes drummer) Ian Bock were rehearsing some songs and drinking forties of OE. The night quickly turned into one of those sessions were the actual playing of music is abandoned for spreading the drunken gospel of it. In the process Angels and Airplanes Will Fly Them Away... came up, Ian avoided the the subject until finally declaring "It kind of sucks"

And he's right. It's muddy, over layered, out of tune (literally) and is obscenely long. For all purposes it "sucks". Unless you were there (Sam and Kathleen you WERE there and I'm sorry for the many naps, study sessions and illnesses that were interrupted by our walls of reverb).
That album was the book everyone kept telling me to write that year and instead of taking advice the ideas were transformed into a collection musical hiccups. I listen to that and I think of the viking mugs, hot cider mornings, the feedback loops that somehow turned into Lisa Loeb's "stay", The 3 am viewings of Twin Peaks and Ian's temporary blindness in one eye. Those moments were ours... they may be one of the few things we ever own.

So this blog is an attempt to open up to more people on a more consistent basis. Hopefully Big Bear, g or any other members will feel the need to post and we can create a multitude of voices.

At the very least I hope that this can be used as a reminder that I love all my friends very dearly and you all give me reason to leave my bed in the morning (except for you McMookie who gives me reason to stay in bed)


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